Ons project in de krant in Zuid-Afrika
In Zuid-Afrika zit de groep met smart te wachten tot die Nederlanders weer komen. Dit is wat de Rustenburg Herald (wie leest ‘m niet elke ochtend?), schreef over het project en de groepen die ze verwachten.
RUSTENBURG HERALD – SWARTRUGGENS – The Christ Crisis Centre based in Swartruggens (Fouché Street) will again be visited by a group (SHIB) from the Netherlands in February. They will be starting with the building of the next phase on 20 February at 08:00. They will be able to accommodate 100 victims (abused women and children) by completion of the centre. If all goes well and everything stays on track this much needed centre will be opening in 2024. They have big hopes for the centre but need the community to stay strong and help in making this dream come true. Thank you to everyone who contributed and will still contribute towards the Christ Crisis Centre in future. Thank you to the group from the Netherlands for their hard work and dedication.

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